
Greg Malen

Assistant Professor

Skidmore College

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Skidmore College. My research interests include topological and geometric data analysis, topological combinatorics, and combinatorial and stochastic topology.

In addition to my teaching and research, I regularly supervise student research projects and independent studies in both pure and applied topics. I supervise the Putnam exam and other regional math competitions that students can compete in, and I am the Faculty Advisor for Skidmore’s Pi Mu Epsilon chapter and the Math Club on campus. I am also on the steering committee for the annual Hudson River Undergraduate Math Conference (HRUMC); for more info see https://sites.google.com/view/hrumc.

My other interests include: short stories; theatre and the performing arts; chess and old school card games; making a great defensive play in pickup basketball and immediately getting my shot blocked on the other end of the court; and playing soccer until my ankles spontaneously combust.


  • Random Cell Complexes
  • Graph Theory
  • Topological Data Analysis
  • Polyforms


  • PhD in Mathematics, 2016

    The Ohio State University

  • BA in Mathematics and in Theatre, 2007

    Wesleyan University

Publications and Preprints

(2023). Extremal {p,q}-Animals. Annals of Combinatorics.


(2023). Collapsibility of Random Clique Complexes. To appear in Discrete Mathematics.


(2022). High-dimensional holeyominoes. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.


(2020). Polyiamonds attaining extremal topological properties, part 2. Geombinatorics.


(2020). Polyiamonds attaining extremal topological properties, part I. Geombinatorics.


(2020). Moduli spaces of morse functions for persistence. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology.


(2020). Extremal topological and geometric problems for polyominoes. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics.


(2018). Homomorphism complexes and $k$-cores. Discrete Mathematics.


(2015). Measurable colorings of $S^2_r$. Geombinatorics.


Selected Talks

The Topology and Structure of Crystallized Polyforms. SUNY at Albany Algebra/Topology Seminar, October 2019.

Dense Random Clique Complexes. JMM Special Session on Topological Data Analysis, January 2018.

k-Collapsibility of Random Clique Complexes. IMA Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network, February 2017.


Courses for Fall 2023 (more info available in September):

MA 113: Calc 2. M 9:05-10:00am, Tu/Th 9:40-11:00am in Annex 216

MA 215: Intro to Proof. M 1:25-2:20pm, Tu/Th 2:10-3:30pm in Bolton 100

Extremal Polyforms

You can explore extremal hyperbolic polyforms via our applet at https://www.erikaroldan.net/extremal-p-q-animals. A crystallized polyform is one with the minimal number of tiles necessary to support the number of bounded holes in the structure.

$$T_{315}\ast Spir_8$$ 1033 tiles and 315 holes
